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One Piece Chapter 934

One Piece Chapter 934 Spoilers

This chapter will have a title of Hyogoro of Flower with a title cover showing Usopp laying down on a picnic blanket while being surrounded by parrots.

The chapter pages include the Map of Wano, showing the major areas such as the Flower Capital, Kibi Area, Udon Area, Kuri Area, Bakura Town, and Amigasa Village. It also shows the Habu Port, the Graveyard, and Onigashima.
As for the content, the scene goes back to Luffy while he is being threatened by the guards who is an Alpaca devil fruit user. The guard told him that it is impossible for him to escape the prison with the handcuffs on him and he will cut his arm if Luffy resists.
Meanwhile in the mining area, the old man is beaten by a guard with six legs. The old man swallowed something but the guard noticed it. Luffy came to the rescue and the result is still not shown as the scene changes to the arrival of Queen, one of the three calamities, at the mining prison.
